how cool is that! - ps_detroit #3
picture stories detroit is a short story series where moments are matched with images.

Sidney put his hand on Amanda’s shoulder and looked to the Taco Bell ruin behind the parking lot. “How cool is that!” He yelled. Amanda shrugged and asked him in disbelier: “Cool? Do you live in Detroit? Have you seen a lost diner before?” – “No no no, this one is different! Look at it. I don’t know, I can see it, tell me you don’t see it!” – “Don’t see what?” – “My coffee shop Mandy, that’s it! It has the perfect size, it’s beautiful. It sits in front of the little plaza with its shops. You see the sun? We could have outside seating too!” Sidney stood in front of the side-windows, glancing inside. There he could see a handbar, where people would form a line, looking at the menu-boards, checking the specials. Kids tugging their parents’ hands, young college grads counting their cash. An old slushy-machine was sitting on the back counter. The kitchen empty, with no appliances but still with the pass through – how many fresh and hot meals must have found their way through here? A few tables and chairs – white paint splintered – laying around. Some of the windows were boarded up; most of them weren’t. It seemed like they had first taken care of the build-down and then suddenly just forgotten about this place. “This is it, I’m gonna write this realtor’s number down.” Sidney would not forget about this day.
picture stories detroit is a short story series by simon berg. he sells prints as postcards check your subscription tier or donate 10€ (address or contact in description). you find him on instagram @bimonserg. this series is also published in parts here @ps_detroit.
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